16/09/2024 0 Comments
A View From The Rectory
A View From The Rectory
# Word from the Clergy

A View From The Rectory
Having started the role at the beginning of July, I am delighted to say that I and my family finally made it to Bilton in August. There are still a few packing boxes that remain unopened, but we are just about settled into our new home!
I am deeply grateful for the warm welcome that we have received so far – especially at the Institution Service. I am excited to embark on a new chapter in the church’s long journey of witnessing to Christ’s love in Bilton. There is a lot for me to learn and it will take time to get to know each of you and to familiarise myself with the local community. I am particularly excited, though, about the existing links with local community organisations in Bilton.
In my interview for the post of Rector, I referenced the powerful words of Isaiah 43:19, where it says, "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive it?" And in the parish profile for the post, the church community outlined a new vision for St Mark’s which would see it grow broader in diversity, younger in age, and deeper in discipleship. The Isaiah passage speaks to the hope and renewal that change can bring, and I am excited to see how we can grow and evolve together as a church family. Embracing a "new thing", however, is not always easy – change and transition usually takes time and requires an openness of heart and mind. I also hope, then, that “new things” will spring forth from the existing strengths of St Mark’s which provide such a solid foundation for growth.
As we are at the beginning of a new school term and academic year, it's also a fitting time to reflect on the “new things” that God might be doing in our own lives. Just as students and teachers prepare for the challenges and opportunities of the coming year, we too can see this as a time for learning, growth, and development. I encourage all of us to support and pray for our local schools, teachers, and students as they embark on their academic journeys. I hope that we too can embrace this season of new beginnings within our church and community, fostering a spirit of collaboration and mutual support.
Thank you once again for your warm welcome. I am excited about the journey ahead and I look forward to the new things that we see God doing in our midst.
Blessings, Dan