It goes without saying that prayer is at the heart of all we do at St Mark’s. The act of bringing our community and our world before God is where two elements of our vision meet - ‘Worshipping God’ and ‘Sharing his love’. As such there are a number of prayer ministries at St Mark’s involving dozens of volunteers.
There is a prayer stand in the South Aisle where you can light a candle and say a prayer, before or after any of our services.
If you would to be prayed for in confidence by our Prayer Support Group please scroll down for more details.
If you would like to download our Diocese's Prayer Diary please click here.
Prayer Support Group
St Mark’s Prayer Support Group is a group of people from the congregation who are committed to praying regularly for others. In the footsteps of Christ, whose ministry on earth involved many acts of healing, we pray in confidence for those in need of both urgent and long term prayer.
The Prayer Support Group operates through requests which are passed on via email or phone to our members. Requests for prayer come from many sources and are treated with strict confidentiality.
If you would like to make a prayer request or would like to join the Prayer Support Group, please email or phone Joy on 01788 810794.
Please note - We must have the permission of the person who the request is for, or the next of kin if they are unable to do so themselves.