
St Mark’s is proud to be a ‘broad church’, embracing a wide variety of styles of worship. From ‘packed to the rafters’ major festivals to intimate midweek prayer gatherings, the meditative and reverent to the fun and madcap, you’re sure to find a service that fits you.

Our main Sunday services are:

8am Holy Communion (traditional language)  
10am Holy Communion (modern language, with junior church groups and crèche / All Age Worship 2nd Sunday of the month) 
6pm Evening Worship (in a variety of styles - modern and traditional)

Read below for more information on these and other services at St Mark’s or download our weekly news sheet from our Home page in PDF format. 

We also have special services for Easter, Christmas etc.

Sunday 8am – Holy Communion

For many people who grew up in the ‘Prayer Book’ era, our 8am Holy Communion is the essential way to start the week. The service uses the familiar words of the ‘Book of Common Prayer’ which dates back to the Reformation, and used in its current form since 1662.

Though ancient, ‘BCP’ is still widely used across the country and continues to resonate with old and young alike. Reverent and peaceful, this is a ‘said’ service, though hymns are included one Sunday in the month.

Sunday 10am – Holy Communion

With our largest and most diverse congregation, the 10am Holy Communion service holds a special place for many people in Bilton. For those who come, gathering round the Lord’s Table each week is both an experience of community and an encounter with God.

The service has wide variety of worshippers, from the very youngest to the eldest among us, plus all those in between, and has a great family feel. That’s ‘family’ in the widest sense, of course!

Music is also an essential ingredient, from the bell ringers who draw us to church to the choir and organ which lead us in our worship.

Junior Church is a feature of our 10am service most weeks, an opportunity for our younger members to have fun and learn about faith in age-specific groups. For more information see the junior church page


10am – All Age Worship


Our All Age Worship services are short, fun and usually packed to the rafters. They offer the chance for adults and children to worship together.

Each service is planned as an individual event, exploring a seasonal, biblical or contemporary theme in a way which connects with people of all ages. The congregation enjoys a range of musical styles, from worship group to organ, with creative prayer, drama and often something to take home, whilst there is usually a special craft activity in the kids’ corner for younger children.

The service is ‘All Age’ because everyone is together for the whole service, without separate children’s groups – one huge St Mark’s family! 

All Age Worship is usually on the second Sunday of the month, at 10am, several of which fall on important dates each year:

• Wakes Parade (May) is an ancient village festival which we celebrate with a parade with the uniformed organisations through the village, accompanied by Bilton Silver Band, 

• Harvest Festival (October) – our chance to say thank you to God for all he provides for us, with fun activities in the churchyard after the service.

• Remembrance Day (November, 10.50am) – our annual armistice service, complete with parade by the British Legion, uniformed groups and Bilton Silver Band. (an important annual event, but not ideal for very young children)

• Christingle Service (December) – as Christmas approaches we use the symbol of an orange to point us to the birth of Jesus.

6pm – Evening Worship

Our evening service offers a varied diet of worship, in both modern and traditional styles, though most tend towards the quiet and contemplative. Join us at 6pm for an hour of worship, prayer and peace.

  • 1st Sunday Evensong (BCP)- an ancient service from the Book of Common Prayer, ably led by our choir.
  • There are also special evening services through the year, particulalry at Christmas and Easter and there are a number of Choral Evensongs as well.  See our calendar for details.

Worship during the week

Worship is not restricted to just Sundays at St Mark’s – prayer is offered for our church, community and wider world every day.

  • Monday 9am – Morning Prayer (Streamed on Facebook)
  • Tuesday 9am – Morning Prayer (Streamed on Facebook)
  • Wednesday 10am – Holy Communion (In Church)

   Service Times