
A funeral service is a sad event, as friends and relatives gather to comfort one another in their grief and to commit the person who has died to God’s care. However there is also room for celebration too, to give thanks for a life and to share memories.

Normally funeral services are booked through a Funeral Director who negotiates dates and times with the church and clergy. However, the care and support of those who are bereaved is important, so a member of the clergy is always happy to be contacted early in the process to give help and support at a difficult time.

Burials and Interments

St Mark’s churchyard is ‘partially closed’. This means that it can accommodate only second interments (into an existing plot) or burial of ashes in the Garden of Remembrance.

Many local families choose to have ashes of their loved ones interred into our attractively designed Garden of Remembrance.  If you would like to enquire about having ashes interred at St Mark’s, or would like to reserve a plot for yourself or someone else, please contact the Parish Office.