Parish Magazine

St Mark’s Parish Magazine is one of Bilton’s main ways of keeping people in touch with what's going on locally, both at the church and in the community. Known as ‘The Voice’, it has a history which stretches back over 100 years.

The magazine contains a wealth of information and stories. As well as comprehensive details of church service and meeting times, it provides an opportunity for us to exchange ideas and share our experience of the Christian life. This may be through thoughtful reflection and personal experiences, or equally by celebrating or reporting on church events. Our clergy and Ministry Leadership Team contribute regularly on issues close to the heart of the church.

In addition the magazine is available for organisations, interest groups and individuals associated with the church to publicise their own activities and events. Contributions are welcomed from anyone within the community and we have recently featured articles on local history, energy matters, holiday reports and poems, to name just a few.

On a light hearted note the magazine welcomes jokes, funny stories and reflections on everyday life. Puzzles and crosswords are included too. We also carry advertisements for many local tradespeople and businesses.

Two articles from The Voice are published on our website each month. Click to view this month’s Word from the Clergy or a recent News article.

To Subscribe

The Voice costs £1 per issue, and is available from the back of church or the Church Centre. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the magazine and have it delivered to your door for just £10 per year or receive a digital copy for £6 per year.

To subscribe to The Voice please email your name, address and telephone number to, or contact the Parish Office

To Advertise

If you would like to put an advert in the magazine please contact the Parish Office. If you don't already have artwork, we can design it for a small extra fee. The adverts come in an arrange of sizes to suit a range of budgets.