Teen Talk and Youth Club
Teen Talk
Are a group for teenagers to talk about things more personal or relevant to us and what relation they have with Christianity
How our sessions work:
We light a candle and say our prayer (written by us), and then help ourselves to food and drink. We then talk about something that has interested us that week, perhaps in the news, perhaps in our lives, and how that relates to our faith. We might watch a clip from a film, or read something from a newspaper or book. We might use our bibles as we talk about things.
Why you should come along:
We are an informal group where we can be open without fear of judgement as there is no wrong or right answers. Instead of teachers we have leaders who are there to assist conversation and happily join in. Our leaders and members are all equal. Another reason you should come along is because we have cake!
Some topics we have covered:
Heaven and Hell in the media and in the bible
Sources of comfort
Music and Consumerism
Who's it for?
Anyone aged between 10 and 18 who’d like to come.
To Find Out More:
Contact the church office
Youth Group
Our Youth Group is for young people aged 11+.
We meet on the second Friday of the month from 6.30pm, in the Church Centre.