Garden of Remembrance
Our Garden of Remembrance is a modern addition to the churchyard; providing a peaceful place where the ashes of a loved one can be interred. If you are considering having ashes of a loved one interred at St Mark’s, you will need to go through a Funeral Director. If you need further information or advice please contact the Parish Office.
Memorial Stone
We recognize that many people come to our churchyard to remember loved ones, and everyone remembers in their own way, however any memorials are subject to national and local regulations.
Each bed within the Garden of remembrance has a memorial stone allocated to it. A loved ones name will be engraved on the appropriate stone.
Flowers and Tributes
In the Garden of Remembrance vases are provided for floral tributes, most of these are located at the base of the walls. Wreaths may be placed in the Garden at the time of an interment of ashes. At Christmas-time wreaths may be placed in the Garden.
Artificial flowers are not permitted – except for Remembrance Day poppies and traditional Christmas wreaths. All wreaths and floral tributes should be removed when they wither.
Book of Remembrance
Our beautiful Book of Remembrance presented by the Parent Teachers Association of St. Mark’s School, to record the names of those whose ashes are buried in our garden of Remembrance, provides us with a permanent memorial.
The book is displayed in church and each day the pages will be opened to the current date, so that relatives may see the names of their loved ones, on the anniversary of their death. The inscriptions are handwritten.