We recognize that many people come to our churchyard to remember loved ones, and everyone remembers in their own way, however any memorials are subject to national and local regulations. Please follow the following links to download our Churchyard Regulations and Garden of Remembrance Notes in PDF format.
Caring for Memorials
A team of volunteers, help maintain the Churchyard as a whole, this includes clearing tombs and gravestones of ivy and brambles to allow a range of nectar rich plants to grow nearby.
We are delighted when relatives tend graves, but we would request that you do not remove plants around the memorials. We encourage wild plants as they are not only beautiful but also provide a valuable food source for a bees.
The churchyard is maintained without the use of chemicals and to Eco church standards, so please do not use any slug pellets or other chemicals.
Green bins are provided by the Church Walk gate, which can be used for dead plants. Please take all other waste home with you.