02/07/2024 0 Comments
Knitted and crocheted Angels. – Can you help to knit or crochet angels?
Knitted and crocheted Angels. – Can you help to knit or crochet angels?
# News

Knitted and crocheted Angels. – Can you help to knit or crochet angels?

A couple of Christmases ago, during the covid lockdown, lots of people kindly knitted over 400 angels so that we could give every resident in care homes visited by Gift of Years an angel at Christmas. We had so many we were able to give angels to other homes too so that in total we delivered angels to 11 care homes.
This year we have taken on 2 new care homes and we would like to give the residents in each of these homes an angel. To do this we would need 80 angels. If anyone would like to help us with this project we would be very grateful.
You can see from the photo that some are simple, following the pattern and no more, which is absolutely fine. Other people, with more advanced skills, have sewed on facial features and some have more masculine features including hair and beards. We are happy to have all styles of angel.
Click here to download the pattern (pdf file).
It would help me if you could let me know that you are participating by emailing angela.maxwell17@gmail.com , letting me know when you see me in church or by calling me. I am happy to collect completed angels from you or have them delivered to my house. Ideally we need completed angels by 30 November.
Angela Maxwell