02/07/2024 0 Comments
Glenn's Tidings
Glenn's Tidings
# Word from the Clergy

Glenn's Tidings
Faith In Action
Having just celebrated Christmas - the birth of Jesus, God incarnate - we then progressed through the season of Epiphany. A season which is about the revelation of God in the person of Christ. Christ who not only taught through parables, but also by example of how we should live. Lives of service to one another and through our faith and our deeds show to others the love and compassion that God shows to us.
Christ met and interacted with people in their life situations. In the story of Mary and Martha, Jesus recognised that Mary needed to be with him, to listen to him. The woman at the well, Jesus knew the Samaritan woman’s need, and despite the taboos of society, he conversed with her. There were occasions when the disciples needed reassurance and explanation, and moments when Jesus revealed to them more of the glory of God. Jesus showed care and compassion in the many examples of healing. The parables he used in order to teach. Parables that were relevant to situations and everyday lives of his hearers and to which they could therefore relate. All examples of Jesus recognising the needs of the people and being relevant to the lives they lived.
During the current cost of living crisis, there are many organisations acutely aware of the needs of those people for whom life is particularly difficult at the moment. Where they may be having to make hard decisions around heating their homes, affording the next meal, or which bill to pay and which to leave a bit longer. Such decisions cause people and families a great deal of stress and anxiety.
Many organisations, the government, local government, therefore, are helping to meet some of those needs, showing care and compassion, none more so than the churches. We therefore, as a church, decided to join the initiative of Warm Spaces. Along with Bilton Methodists we set up a Warm Space, each church on a different day of the week. The aim to give people an opportunity to enjoy a drink, maybe soup and a roll, perhaps some fellowship, especially for those who may be living alone and are in need of conversation over a cuppa in a warm space.
With this in mind as a Christian community, we follow in Christ’s footsteps, we show to the wider community that care and compassion that comes not only from who we are as human beings, but also from lives that are Christ centred. We put our faith into action, as James in his letter is always telling us, that as Christians following Jesus means that our life and the way we live is a consequence of our faith. We should therefore in all that we do and say show God’s love and compassion to those around us.