02/07/2024 0 Comments
A Farewell from Tim
A Farewell from Tim
# Word from the Clergy

A Farewell from Tim
“And we are witnesses to these things, and so is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him.” Acts 5. 32
As I sit to write this article I am very much aware of it being my last and that there are only a few short weeks before I take up my new appointment as Associate Archdeacon. As you might imagine there are a whole host of different thoughts and emotions going on for me and for Nell at this time as we prepare to finish our time here. There is a lot to remember and to give thanks for from the 19 years we have lived and worked in Bilton. It is a privilege to serve as a minister in any church and it has been a pleasure to have done so among you for so long. Bilton will always have a special place in our hearts as it will for our children who all grew up here. But new pastures beckon and one must respond to God's leading.
When clergy leave there are often many emotions and concerns among the congregation they leave behind; How will we cope without N? Who will replace them? Who will lead services? Take funerals? Guide us and help us develop a vision for the future?
What has been so encouraging in the last few weeks since I announced my leaving is the way in which so many have offered to do things and take up some of the slack. It has been so good that I have joked that I should have left more often! And the way our new PCC members have already got stuck into things is so encouraging. So, while a clergy vacancy can be a worrying time, I am going to be leaving content in the knowledge that there is a fantastic team of clergy, wardens, PCC members and many others who will cope admirably in the coming months.
I think there are some parallels here with what happened to the disciples after Jesus has left them. They could have been bereft and hidden away but we are told that they were continually in the Temple praising God, waiting for the promised gift from on high. They could have cowered and hidden themselves away but they don’t. And even though they are alone and faced many persecutions and problems we see them not retreating but engaging in the world and preaching the message. The quote above from Acts is Peter speaking before the Jewish Council after they had been told not to speak in the name of Jesus. Even though Jesus was not with them the Holy Spirit empowered them to give powerful testimony and share the message of what God had done. They were able to do this without their leader because they put their trust in God and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Churches are far more than their leaders – and rightly so. Ultimately it is our reliance on God and on the Holy Spirit that will help and empower and guide St. Mark’s through the next weeks and months until a new Rector arrives.
We will miss Bilton and St. Mark’s but we will continue to think of you and pray for you. Please pray for us too.
With every blessing for the future.
Tim and Nell