The Journey Ahead

The Journey Ahead

The Journey Ahead

# Word from the Clergy

The Journey Ahead

September is upon us, where has the summer gone? We spend our time looking forward to lengthening days and warmer weather, and no sooner has it arrived than the month of September beckons, with the autumn equinox and the changes as nature prepares for winter. 

I hope, during the summer months, you have managed to find time to rest and recoup, to take time out, whether that meant going away for a holiday or taking a break from the daily grind while remaining at home. 

In Matthew 11 vs 28-29…… Christ said “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest” Jesus knew the value of escaping from the pressure of the crowds, not only for himself, but for his disciples also - he would send them out across the lake to escape for a while. Jesus would enjoy visiting and sharing meals with friends. He knew the value of taking that time out to recharge. It is so important that we look after ourselves in body, mind and spirit. If you have decided to take a late holiday outside of the crowds of the summer months, then I hope you will find some rest and peace. 

Of course September sees the Church, along with many other institutions, starting to get back to work with its various committee meetings etc., as people return after the holiday period. For St Mark’s, currently in vacancy, there will be extra responsibilities for its leaders as we start to think through the process of formulating our parish profile, leading to advertising, interview and appointment of the next Rector at St Mark’s, all in conjunction with the Diocese. 

This is a time when we all need to pray earnestly for God’s guidance and support as we discern His will for us, listening to his prompts and aware that he is walking with us. Walking with us to share the load, and walking with each other too. None of us can give and share without first experiencing that silence, ‘whatever lies on the road ahead of us, we will journey together.’ Issue 186 September 2023 2 stillness and listening in God, all of which are powerful strengtheners; they give a re-newing of our spiritual energy for whatever lies ahead. For some of us, we are moving into a new sphere of Christian service. At first this may bring feelings of anxiety and nervousness but also, as time moves on, a growing confidence. We must all be supportive of each other to guard against becoming stressed, exhausted and ineffective. The busier we are, the more difficult it is to find time to be still before God. 

There is always a danger that, when our time is squeezed, then our time with God can be the first to get squeezed out. Jesus said in the John 15:5 when Jesus was talking of himself as the true vine that “apart for me you can do nothing”. Let us hold onto those words; we need to hear Jesus saying those words to us and in them gain our strength, not only in our everyday lives of work, family life and leisure, but also in our church life. That whatever lies on the road ahead of us, we will journey together, with each other, with our eyes, hearts and minds firmly fixed on Christ.


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  St Mark's Church
  St Mark's Church Centre
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CV22 7LX
      01788 810641
