02/07/2024 0 Comments
Vacancy for Children and Families Worker
Vacancy for Children and Families Worker
# News

Vacancy for Children and Families Worker
Childrens’ and Families’ Worker for St. Mark’s Church, Bilton, Rugby
£15,000 pro rata (£30,000 FTE)
Fixed term for 2 years
Are you a committed Christian, with a passion for working with children, young people and their families and for sharing the love of Christ? Would you like to step into a new, exciting role to build long-lasting links with the wider community and schools? If so then this could be the job for you!
This is an exciting opportunity for a dynamic Christian to shape a brand new role within St. Mark’s Church in Bilton, Rugby and to work with colleagues to strengthen and grow our existing links with schools; to encourage children and young people to be active members of the Church and wider community and to work with families to ensure they are engaged in all aspects of Church life. St Mark’s is also currently recruiting for a new Rector, after our Rector was appointed Acting Archdeacon Pastor of Coventry Diocese, which provides a unique opportunity for the successful candidate to work with a new Rector and our Associate Minister to scope out how to successfully achieve our objectives in terms of successful working with children and families.
We are looking for someone who is passionate about identifying and maximising opportunities for children, young people and their families to experience the love of God in practice. This is an exciting time to join St. Mark’s and to help shape and influence our future worship and direction of travel.
If you are interested in finding out more then please do email stmarks-bilton@outlook.com or telephone 01788 810641.
Alternatively, please find the job description along with the application form to apply directly, by clicking on the links below. Please send all applications to the email address shown above.
Link to Job Description (this will open as a pdf file)
Link to application form (this will be downloaded as a word file)
Closing date: 3rd May 2024