02/07/2024 0 Comments
# News
Published on Monday, 18 March 2024 16:02

For Remembrance Sunday we would like to attempt a cascade of knitted or crocheted poppies from the bell tower, so we are asking for a co-ordinator and crafters to get involved with this project.
If you are willing to co-ordinate please could you tell a Church Warden, a member of the Clergy or contact the Parish Office.
Please watch this space for more details.
Here are some poppy patterns you can try (please click on one of them to download), or feel free to use your own patterns.
Pattern 1 (2 knitted and 1 crocheted from the WI)
Pattern 2 (1 easy knit and 2 easy crochet patterns
Pattern 3 (2 piece knitted poppy)