02/07/2024 0 Comments
St. Mark's to get new Curate
St. Mark's to get new Curate
St. Mark's to get new Curate
# News
Published by User Deleted on Wednesday, 11 April 2018 11:22

St. Mark's to get new Curate
We are pleased to announce that St. Mark's is getting a new Curate. Jonathan Smith, who is currently training at Wycliffe Hall in Oxford will be joining us to serve his Title here in Bilton.
Jonathan will be ordained Deacon in Coventry Cathedral on 1st July at 4pm and it would be great to see as many St. Mark's folk there as possible. Jonathan will be with us for around 3 years in this training post, and we are very much looking forward to him joining us.
Please pray for him as he prepares to move to Bilton and for his family, wife Vicky and children Thomas, William and Lydia.