Road Closure in Bilton

Road Closure in Bilton

Road Closure in Bilton

# News

Road Closure in Bilton

We have been informed that Main Street in Bilton is going to be closed for resurfacing work from 5th August to 20th August and this will affect access in the area.  Although the work is being phased we advise the following if coming onto the church site:

Approach Church Walk by coming up Bilton Road from the town side.

On 19th August in Particular when the area at the end of Church Walk is being worked on we advise that you park in one of side roads/residential areas and walk to church.

We will be in contact with the contractor through this period to get exact dates and times as to when access will be difficult, so watch this space

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  St Mark's Church
  St Mark's Church Centre
Church Walk
CV22 7LX
      01788 810641
