02/07/2024 0 Comments
Remembrance Sunday
Remembrance Sunday
# News

Remembrance Sunday
This Sunday sees the 100th anniversary of the end of the WW1. St Mark's is holding it's annual Remembrance Sunday Service this Sunday at 10.50am and will be joined by many from the local community including many of the Uniformed Organisations, local Councillors, Bilton Silver Band and others.
The commemoration starts with a march from Bilton village centre to church in time for the service. Because of the march (led by Bilton Silver Band) Main Street will be closed from 10am until 1pm, so you will need to come early if you want to park in the church car park (and get a seat!). The service ends with the laying of the wreaths and placing of crosses around the War Memorial in the churchyard, after which there is another march from church back to the village centre.
We really hope that you will be able to join us for this very important occasion in the life of the community and the church, especially this year with the greater significance of the centenary.