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Curate's Corner
Curate's Corner
Curate's Corner
# Word from the Clergy
Published by User Deleted on Sunday, 13 January 2019 16:34

Curate's Corner
A happy new year to you from St Marks. This Christmas time we have been thinking about the theme of ‘following the star’, and as we go into this Epiphany period, we remember the wise men who faithfully followed (even if it must have felt rather bewildering at times).
In advent I enjoyed making a large silver, willow, fairy light covered star to hang in the church’s lovely nave arch. As I weaved together the strands of willow, I reflected on the challenge at the heart of The Church of England’s campaign and what it really means in my life to follow the star.
My thoughts led to those things I will always follow. For me being one of the many Dalglish generationers I still closely follow the ‘Mighty Reds’ (that’s Liverpool fc for those who don’t know). I follow the matches even if I only get time to from the radio these days. I am getting particularly excited at the moment.
Did you know the most followed footballer in 2019 was Cristiano Ronaldo with a mind boggling 121 million followers on Instagram! Just a few years ago it was David Beckham. Who is David Beckham? my 8-year-old asks, and it proves a point. The person to follow one moment becomes uncool history the next.
In these early days of 2019 there will be numerous invites to follow something, a new diet or a new gym membership are classic perennial examples but it could also be following the latest celebrity on social media or to jump on the bandwagon of some new craze. It begs the question will it all be worth it in the end? You may think the answer lies only in ourselves which brings me neatly back to the star.
Might we dare to follow His star? That first Bethlehem star pointed the wise men directly to the event that was the Christ child’s birth. The Son of God would grow to start the revolution of all revolutions and eventually Jesus’ followers surpassed the 121 milllion mark to become 2.2 billion worldwide Christians living life and being changed daily by the teaching of Jesus. (for more info read 1 John 2 verse 6)
St Marks aims always to make a difference both in our Church and wider community but we don’t do it blindly. As we look more closely at ourselves and our giving this year both in time, effort and finance, we keep our gaze firmly on Jesus, following faithfully in his steps and thank Him for the
direction that His light provides.