Spring Festival 18/19 May

Spring Festival 18/19 May

Spring Festival 18/19 May

# Word from the Clergy

Spring Festival 18/19 May

Over these next few days every home in the parish should be receiving a copy of our Spring Festival magazine.  It is packed full of information about all the things going on at St Mark's.

As you will see from those pages we are organizing a Festival Weekend so that our local residents can come and get a flavour of the things that we do – as well as take part in some fun and interactive activities that all the family will enjoy.  Perhaps one of the more unusual and interesting highlights will be the opportunity for you to bring along Teddy and see him/her fly down the zipwire from the church tower!

St. Mark’s is a busy, lively church with a lot going on and we would like you to be part of that too.  We hold a variety of services each week which help us to draw close to God, but it’s not just worship that we offer; we have a comprehensive range of groups and activities for all ages.  

At St. Mark’s we believe that God has called us to reach out into our community and share the love that he has for each one of us, a love shown to us in Jesus Christ.  We want people to experience that love and grow deeper in faith.  Many of the things we do have that understanding at their heart.  So why not come along and check us out?  Whether you are in to architecture, music, enjoy walking around the large churchyard, want to have a go at bell ringing, interested in getting married in church, want to see what groups we have for children on Sundays or midweek, want to know more about the Christian faith and a whole lot more besides, then St. Mark’s is the place to be on Saturday 18thMay.

I am really looking forward to the opportunity to meet new people during our Festival Weekend, so do put the date in your diary and come along and see us.

Wishing you every blessing

Tim Cockell


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  St Mark's Church
  St Mark's Church Centre
Church Walk
CV22 7LX
      01788 810641
