02/07/2024 0 Comments
Corvid Support Groups
Corvid Support Groups
# News

Corvid Support Groups
Two support groups, run by volunteers, have been created locally to help support people in the Bilton, Cawston and surrounding areas during the COVID-19 crisis. Volunteers have come together to help the Bilton and Cawston communities. You may have received a leaflet through your door, offering a point of contact for people who are shielding/isolating and may need help.
Bilton Corona Virus Support Group - "A support group for those in Bilton who might be in need of supplies, lonely and isolated or just need to reach out to their community." Our main priority during lockdown is making sure that those most in need are getting regular shopping and prescriptions.

www.biltonvillage.org.uk - This site is designed to help the residents of Bilton. The site provides a way for people to ask for help and for those offering to help and useful information and links.
Cawston Corona Virus Help Group - "This group is for people living in Cawston, to help each other through the Corona Virus crisis whilst people self-isolate."
If you need help, please use the contact details posted through your door, by your Street Coordinator. If you haven't received anything please visit the website (www.cawstoncoronahelp.com) and fill in the form to request help. Either way we will then arrange for a volunteer to help you.
www.cawstoncoronahelp.com This site is designed to help the residents of Cawston who are isolating; providing a place for people to offer help or request assistance.(Run by the volunteers from the above Cawston Facebook group.)
Everyone may need help at some point over the coming months and your community is here to support you. Please reach out if you need help.