02/07/2024 0 Comments
Knitted and crocheted Angels. – Can you help to knit or crochet angels?
Knitted and crocheted Angels. – Can you help to knit or crochet angels?
# News

Knitted and crocheted Angels. – Can you help to knit or crochet angels?
Every year Georgina Brooks (Deacon at Paddox Methodists) organises members of the churches to knit or crochet angels. (See the photo) These angels are tagged with a Christian message and then left all over the town during Advent for people to find by chance. This year we have had the idea of making the angels for our care home residents to give them as a Christmas gift. We will need about 430 angels to be able to give one to everyone which is why we need to start early.

If you are someone who enjoys knitting or crochet and would be willing to make some angels, please would you let me know. Also, please would you send the patterns to anyone you know who would like to help with this project.
You can see from the photo that some are simple, following the pattern and no more, which is absolutely fine. Other people, with more advanced skills, have sewed on facial features and some have more masculine features including hair and beards. We are happy to have all styles of angel. And for you to use your own creativity. For the homes in Rugby served by the Gift of Years (including Dewar Close) we need 430 angels but lots of churches have been asked to help. If we exceed the target there are anther 50 residents in Bilton who would normally have a visit from the churches to sing carols and this year it doesn’t look likely that we can do this so we could give them an angel instead, so they know we are thinking of them.
Feel free to share the pattern with friends and start knitting! It would help me if you could let me know that you are participating by emailing angela.maxwell17@gmail.com or by calling me. I am happy to collect completed angels from you or have them delivered to my house. Ideally we need completed angels by 30 November.
Angela Maxwell