02/07/2024 0 Comments
Lichfield Cathedral Advent Lights
Lichfield Cathedral Advent Lights
# Advent Articles

Lichfield Cathedral Advent Lights

For the last few years, Advent has often meant travelling to Lichfield Cathedral, both in person and online. From their thoughtful Advent service “From Darkness to Light”, through some fiendish online Advent Quizzes devised by a Vicar Choral in the Cathedral Choir (this year involves deciphering Enigma machine codes to identify pieces of music!) to spectacular light shows, Lichfield Cathedral keeps Advent very well.
Here are some memories of recent Lichfield Cathedral Advent light shows. David Noble NB There is a light show (outdoors) planned for 2020, but it’s still uncertain whether this can go ahead because of Covid-19 restrictions. Check on the Lichfield Cathedral Website if you are interested in attending- tickets are at the time of writing still available.
