02/07/2024 0 Comments
O Antiphons
O Antiphons
# Advent Articles

O Antiphons

Today, 17th December, marks the start of the Great 'O' Antiphons, from which the Advent Hymn "O come, O come, Emmanuel" derives. These were sung originally before the Magnificat at the Evening Office from 17th to 23rd December, and have provided a rich source of devotional imagery in Advent.
The O's themselves already contain an answer to the prayers they embody. Written out together across a page in Latin, the initial letters of the antiphons (Emmanuel, Rex, Oriens, Clavis, Radix, Adonai, Sapientia) form a reverse acrostic spelling Ero cras — I will be there tomorrow. And so they make for that generous and rare thing, a prayer to God that is its own answer from God.
December 17 Sapientia - God's Wisdom
December 18 Adonai - Lord God, Ruler of the House of Israel
December 19 Radix Jesse - The Messiah, descendent of Jesse, the father of David.
December 20 Clavis David - Key of David, Jesus, Governor and Judge of All
December 21 Oriens - Daystar, Light of the Nations
December 22 Rex Gentium - King of the Nations
December 23 Emmanuel - God-with-us
ERO CRAS - “I will be with you tomorrow”
To listen to Magnificat and the Rest of the Advent Antiphons click here (A YouTube video will open.)