World Day of Prayer - 10.30 Friday 5th March

World Day of Prayer - 10.30 Friday 5th March

World Day of Prayer - 10.30 Friday 5th March

# News

World Day of Prayer - 10.30 Friday 5th March

10.30 on line - Friday 5th March

Everyone is warmly invited to a very special service about 30 minutes long, prepared and performed by the women of Vanuatu, an island in the South West Pacific. This will be followed by an opportunity to meet up on ZOOM to chat and to discuss the service.  Details of how to join the service and to meet on line will be provided in next week's letter.

Service booklets are available - contact Sandra on 814597 as soon as posible and she can arrange a delivery to your home.

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  St Mark's Church
  St Mark's Church Centre
Church Walk
CV22 7LX
      01788 810641
