02/07/2024 0 Comments
Fashion With Heart - Cream Tea with Cakes - Sunday 11th July
Fashion With Heart - Cream Tea with Cakes - Sunday 11th July
Fashion With Heart - Cream Tea with Cakes - Sunday 11th July
# News
Published on Tuesday, 6 July 2021 21:59

Fashion With Heart - Cream Tea with Cakes - Sunday 11th July

We are again holding our annual cream teas on Sunday 11th July between 3-6pm. We are going to be able to have some people sitting in the garden and we will also do take away cream teas too. You will need to book for teas whether you are sitting in the garden or taking it away. You can book to sit at 3.00, 4.00 or 5.00 pm and we can have 30 people at one time.
To book please email me at katiethomas@ntlworld.com or telephone after 6.00pm or any time on Friday 07757562504
Brenda will be there and all the proceeds will go the FWH Creations. It is by donation. (Recommended price £5.00)
We do hope you will be able to either come or have a takeaway.
Best Wishes