02/07/2024 0 Comments
? Future Church ?
? Future Church ?
# News

? Future Church ?
We are going to be holding a series of events in July, August and September which we hope will help us to think about what we do at St Mark's and where we want to be going in the future. That is why these events have been put under the banner of ? Future Church ?
The first of these events is going to be on Tuesday 20th July from 7.30pm to 9.00pm.This will be held in church and will give us an opportunity to share in worship and in song, listen to God's word, talk in small groups, listen to music and have guided and personal prayer activities to help us all to discern what God wants from us in the future.
There will be two follow-up events. One will be a special focus in our Family Service on 8th August and then there will be another event later in September when the Ministry Leadership Team has had a chance to think through some of the thoughts and suggestions that people have had.
Throughout this we will be focussing on 3 very important questions;
What do we need to take with us into the future?
What shall we do differently?
What do we need to stop doing?
I hope you will be able to come to these events so that your thoughts and input can be considered alongside that of other.
Above all though, I ask you to pray for the future of your church whether you are able to come to events or not. Pray that God will show us what he wants us to be doing and focussing on as we lift ourselves out of the restrictions we have been placed under and as we continue and develop our mission and ministry here.