02/07/2024 0 Comments
A goodbye message from Rev Jonathan and the Smith Family
A goodbye message from Rev Jonathan and the Smith Family
# News

A goodbye message from Rev Jonathan and the Smith Family
As one old cliché goes ’all good things must come to an end’. Well, I hope this isn’t the end of our connection and friendship with St. Marks and as I come to the end of my curacy, I will look back with thanks and gratitude for the support and kindness extended to us throughout these three years in Bilton. We’ll be able to say a proper goodbye at the special service later in September, but long into the future we will remember with fondness the many special occasions that we’ve been part of here at St Marks.
It’s been a particular privilege and joy to minister to the Church congregations and groups in the wider parish. From the oldest generation to the youngest, the times we’ve modelled diverse community together has been most special for me. With a heartfelt connection to the schools and families in the area during the pandemic, my curacy has brought lots of opportunity to share Gods love.
I have often spoken in sermons and conversations with many of you of my vivid memories of realising the compelling truth of Jesus’ claims as a teenager, and it is perhaps this that has made my involvement in the annual holiday clubs and running church youth ventures such an honour.
I’ve many happy memories to take away, including the Church sleepout for the homeless, the campfires, the advent wreath workshops, the messy church’s and the pandemic Christmas programme – remembering particularly the fun of car park carols by headlights! I’ll also not forget helping produce the sparkly art installations of the advent journey and the twinkling 6-foot Bethlehem star.
Its been wonderful to see new members get involved through these times and I hope and pray the church will continue to support a growth of both numbers and depth of faith through similar programmes, allowing people the chance to hear the good news of the gospel as well as the tremendous benefits of living in a welcoming and supportive Christian community.
I will remember and miss individual people the most. We’ve lived together in happy times as well as sad and the sense of a journey is there. The special blessing of Christian community we have felt as a family is something we look forward to experiencing in our next parish.
Thank you to all those who have made our last three years so memorable, for all your prayers and good wishes. We will miss you all.
Jonathan, Vicky, Thomas, William, Lydia (and Daisy)