02/07/2024 0 Comments
Harvest Service - Donations
Harvest Service - Donations
# News

Harvest Service - Donations
We will be collecting non-perishable foodstuff for Foodbank and toiletries for Deepmore, as part of the Harvest Service.
Alternatively you can donate to Foodbank at supermarkets, when you do your shopping or make a monetary donation on their website: rugby.foodbank.org.uk Foodbank are feeding so many more people and families than ever before. Your additional generosity will be gratefully received.
Monetary donations for Deepmore can be made on our website using the following link
Below is a letter from Rugby Foodbank:
Harvest Festival 2021
We want to thank all at your Church for your support in the last year in donating to Rugby Foodbank. We would be delighted if you would consider donating to our Harvest appeal again this year.
Throughout the last year, Rugby Foodbank has been able to provide food to over 3,200 adults and 1,800 children, and we have given out over 83 tonnes of food this year alone. The demands on the foodbank are growing; last financial year we helped even more people than the previous year, and this is where we need your help.
During the Covid lockdowns we have been donated a tremendous amount of food. In particular, we do not need pasta, pasta sauce, baked beans or soups, as we have excess stock of these items.
However, we do still have real shortages of other items. I have attached and listed at the end of this email our shopping list for Harvest all of which continues to help the support of those in food poverty in Rugby.
Unfortunately, due to the continued Covid risk we will not be able to send out our volunteers to speak in person in Church at this time, but we have created the attached video links for you to show in Church. There are two links, the first is a shorter video about Foodbank Harvest, the second is an extended version including closing prayers if you would like to use this material in Church or circulate through newsletters/email:
- Foodbank Harvest Video no Prayer https://youtu.be/d7tf1yhFGRo
- Foodbank Harvest Video with Prayer https://youtu.be/62_d78dbZMU
We are sorry that we cannot be with you in person as this is always a good experience for ourselves and your congregation, but we do not want to put you or our volunteers at risk just now.
We would be delighted if you would continue to partner with us to help make a difference in our community. Thank you for your time and support.
Yours sincerely,
John Hemmings
Rugby Foodbank Engagement Officer
Foodbank - Harvest Shopping List 2021:
- Tinned Carrots,
- Tinned peas,
- Tinned Sweetcorn,
- Tinned pulses,
- Tinned tomatoes,
- Sponge Pudding,
- Tinned Rice
- Pudding,
- Tea,
- Hot Chocolate,
- Tinned Spaghetti,
- Cream Crackers,
- Marmalade,
- Washing capsules /powder,
- Soap,
- Shower Gel,
- Razors