Courses Running at St Mark's

Courses Running at St Mark's

Courses Running at St Mark's

# News

Courses Running at St Mark's

You can now sign up for a couple of courses that are being run at St Mark's in the next few months.

The first is our Deanery Living in Love and Faith Course.  The first session is on Zoom on 28th February at 7.00pm with the further 4 sessions being held on Saturday 5th March in St Mark's.  You can find more information and booking details by clicking this link

The second course is being run by the Diocese as part of the Bishops Certificate in Discipleship and Mission, called Discovering And Using Our Spiritual Gifts.  This is also being run at St Mark's on Wednesday evenings in March and April and you can find out more and book places by using this link:  

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  St Mark's Church
  St Mark's Church Centre
Church Walk
CV22 7LX
      01788 810641
