Christian Aid report 2016

Christian Aid report 2016

Christian Aid report 2016

# News

Christian Aid report 2016

"The week we love every neighbour"

This year we collected £4,826 during Christian Aid Week in the Bilton area, Cawston, Limetree village and Hillside. In addition to the door to door collection we held a plant and cake stall in church. My thanks to everyone involved including cake makers, plant growers, money counters and especially those who took part in the street collection. Most Collectors are from St Mark's but we are also joined by some Bilton Methodists, BEC members and the Lime Tree village team. Many Collectors do the same street year after year and feel that they know the people there. I
collect from my own Carlton Road and Christian Aid week provides me with the opportunity to say "Hello" to some neighbours I don't see very often and introduce myself to new neighbours. Collecting isn't easy but it is rewarding and compared to facing the challenges of war, drought or famine it is a walk in the park! The 2016 total for the Bilton area was down £836 on 2015. This was partly due to new legislation that makes it illegal for Collectors to knock on doors with a "No Cold Callers" sticker unless the occupants are personally known to us.

The total for Rugby and District in was £21, 216 compared with £23345.57 in 2015. The financial report Christian Aid UK for 2016 is yet to be published but in 2015 £11.3 million was collected in Christian Aid week.

St Mark's also collected for Christian Aid during Lent Lunches raising a further magnificent £568. Sincere thanks are due to the generous hosts, soup makers, cheese, bread and fruit providers, washers up and the speakers who gave such inspiring talks. In 2017 there will be "Lent Sandwiches" to be held in St Mark's church with donations for Christian Aid. Further details will be
in the News Sheet, Parish Magazine and St Mark's Website. Do come along for worship, a sandwich and a chat.

Christian Aid Week 2017 is 14-20 May. It is 60 years since Christian Aid week was launched, initially to help refugees still struggling in the aftermath of the second World War. In 2017 once again the focus is on the plight of refugees. Please join our team of door to door collectors. If you can't do collecting but can host a coffee morning or donate plants, cakes, toys or vintage china I'd be delighted to hear from you. Ring me on 814597 or e-mail me at or have a word in church.

Sandra Bevan

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  St Mark's Church
  St Mark's Church Centre
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      01788 810641
