02/07/2024 0 Comments
Lent Sandwiches
Lent Sandwiches
# News

Lent Sandwiches
Most of you will have heard of Lent Lunches and maybe attended or hosted such an event, but what, you might ask, are Lent Sandwiches?
Lent Sandwiches is a different twist on Lent Lunches which we are introducing this year. They will be held on four Mondays during Lent and will all be held in CHURCH rather than in private homes. They will start at 12.30 and last for about 45mins to an hour. The format will be different from previous years as we will spend the first twenty minutes or so thinking about different areas in which Christian Aid is involved. This will include music, prayer, Bible reading and short periods of silence. The four areas we will be thinking about are Refugees, The Victims of Climate Change, Victims of Conflict and how Christian Aid responds to Emergencies.
Following on from the prayer session there will be the opportunity to have a sandwich and a piece of fruit.....not a feast, but sufficient.....and a cup of tea or coffee. There will also be a chance to give a donation to Christian Aid.
We hope that by using the church everyone will feel they can come along as space is not limited and you don't have to remember where each week's event is happening! It will also give us an opportunity to meet together to pray for the vital work which Christian Aid does and to reflect on the very difficult situations in which some people find themselves.
We hope that many of you will come along and that some of you will be willing to make sandwiches and/or help make tea and coffee on the day. We will also be asking some people to help with the prayers and Bible readings. If you would like to help, please contact one of us.
The dates for Lent Sandwiches are as follows:
13th, March 20th, March 27th, April 3rd.
We look forward to sharing this exciting new venture with you as we journey through Lent together.
Sandra Bevan (814597) and Alison Price (879738)