Rector's Ramblings - June 2017

Rector's Ramblings - June 2017

Rector's Ramblings - June 2017

# Word from the Clergy

Rector's Ramblings - June 2017

One of the great things about the church is the way in which God calls so many and varied people to work in the cause of the Kingdom. When I look around St Mark’s at those who come I thank God that he has brought together people of different backgrounds, different experience, different nationalities and races.
Each one of us is individual and unique and yet we share so many things in common with each other – not least our faith in a God who saves us through Jesus Christ. There is, however, another thing that we all have in common. We are all given gifts to serve God and one another in the world. It is often true though, that the last thing we would recognize in ourselves are the gifts and talents we have been given. I know this from my own personal experience when there have been times when I have denied the gifts and skills I have been given – almost preferring to hide them under a
bushel, as it were. I know I am not the only one.
Experience has also shown me that when God calls us to do something for him that when we respond God gives us the gifts that we need in the role he calls us to. From the Bible, we hear Moses telling God that he is not a good speaker and that the children of Israel won’t listen to him. So God tells him, fine, your brother Aaron can do the “talky” bits, but I am still going to use you to lead my people to freedom, because you are the right person. Isaiah says to God that he is a man of unclean lips but God purifies them with a hot coal from the altar so that Isaiah can give God's message to his people. Jesus says to his disciples that when he is no longer with them they need not fear because the Holy Spirit will empower them to fulfill the mission God has for them.
At the beginning of June we celebrate Pentecost – the coming of the Holy Spirit on the disciples with power and enabling people of many different languages to hear them proclaiming God's power and greatness. Those who heard recognised the Spirit at work in them and many came to faith. From our celebration of Pentecost this year we will be focusing more on the work of the Spirit – this is one of our priorities this year, Recognising the work of the Holy Spirit.
Recognising what God is doing in the world and in others helps us to deepen our faith and our commitment. Being in step with God and his Spirit equips us and helps us to do things for God; things we might never have thought possible, just like Moses, Isaiah and the disciples. Although, I suspect in your case and mine, a little lower key!
Wishing you every blessing


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