16/09/2024 0 Comments
Dan's Institution
Dan's Institution
# News

Dan's Institution
The Institution of Reverend Daniel Bennett took place on the evening of July 1st. The service was presided over by the Right Reverend Ruth Worsley, the Acting Bishop of Coventry and The Venerable Barry Dugmore, Archdeacon Missioner.
The service was one of joyful celebration with many representatives from the community attending, including local councillors and head teachers from local schools and clergy from across the diocese.
Daniel’s family, his father Reverend Kip Bennet and his wife, Victoria read the scriptures and the singing was lead by members of St Mark’s choir and St Michael’s Church in Coventry.
Such a lot of hard work and preparation went into the service, so a huge thank you to all involved, especially Glenn, Christine and Marion , the Churchwardens and Holly and Naomi in the Parish Office.